Blind Test of our Premium Refinished Golf Balls
What Is A Refurbished Golf Ball
Refinished or Refurbished Golf Balls are simply a way to describe a unique reconditioning process we use to bring certain used and recycled golf balls up to a level where they appear and behave consistent with new golf balls.
The refinishing process uses state of the art equipment designed to safely chemically clean the golf balls to remove all the markings, discoloration, and staining. The balls we use are only “cosmetically challenged” as we do not have the ability to repair golf balls that have been damaged due to cart paths, trees or any other abrasion in the cover.
We now have a golf ball that is prepared the way new golf balls are before their paint and clear-coating go on. With state-of-the-art machinery in our own facility these balls are then painted, printed with their original Brand name and Model and clear-coated to their original luster and shine. The only difference is we print Refinished on one pole of the ball to ensure the consumer knows that these are not new balls.
Refurbished Golf Ball Test
We bought 10 dozen new golf balls from a major retailer. Then we took 10 dozen of the same brand & model of our refurbished golf balls right off our shelves. We took all of these to an independent golf ball testing facility (Advanced Golf Solutions) that tests new balls for many of the top manufacturers.
All the grades of balls we sell were tested except for those that are structurally damaged or too old. These we do not sell. We do not have the capability to repair a damaged ball either through recycling or refinishing and these are discarded.
We hoped to once and for all put an end to this hearsay controversy of "water ball" or "used golf balls" and do some independent scientifically controlled testing, not subjective anecdotal testing that has been the mainstay of the common thought on this topic.
Outside of cosmetics (which really is what the grading is all about), the balls in all the various grades tested against new golf balls right out the package show only a very minimal loss, in fact a statistically insignificant loss of carry distance.
With a driver the maximum loss of carry over a drive of about 260 yards is about 5 yards with a grade B ball while the refurbished balls show only a loss of 1 yard or less. Similar proportional results with both a wedge and 6 iron as indicated in the graphs below.
Test Results
Test ParametersTests were conducted by Advanced Golf Solutions LLC. an independent certified golf ball testing facility in Sarasota, Florida USA
- Temperature Range: 79F to 83F
- Humidity Range: 49% to 54%
- Wind Direction: ESE
- Wind Speed: 3.2 MPH to 6.4 MPH
- Wind Effect: Minimal Tail / Crossing
Tests were conducted by cannon for consistent RPM at an 18% launch angle with 0% side axis and at 57 PSI.Test Conclusion
Since 99% of all golfers cannot swing with any consistency to attain these averages over many shots, this loss of carry distance from 1-5 yards is absolutely minimal when you take into account all the other factors that can come into play when you swing a club. Follow through, back swing, in/out or out/in, weight shift, lie etc all play a part in the outcome. The question then becomes is it worth it to pay 40% - 80% more for golf balls that you are going to lose anyway just to gain a yard or so under ideal swing conditions?
Please note that even though we achieved the following results in our testing the legal team has advised us that we must add this disclaimer:
The products we market do not meet the exact specifications of new golf balls and may be subject to performance variations from new golf balls. These balls do not fall under the original manufacturer’s warranty or guarantees. However, we believe strongly in our products and stand behind them 100%.
Did you know refinished/refurbished golf balls have been formally accepted by the USGA. Rule 5-1/4 of the USGA rule book states that "it is permissible for such a ball to be used". So, there you have it, Refurbished golf balls are permissible in tournament play!
You be the judge...try our Refurbished Golf Balls for yourself. If you decide to continue purchasing new balls after seeing this, we and all our customers thank you as you are now one of our suppliers.